In order to use the MultiPlayer you will need to download a SMHTP file.

Download files for the Multiplayer

In order to keep all downloaded MultiPlayer Tracks together you need to navigate to the "MultiPlayer Video" folder which is created in "My Music" when the MultiPlayer is installed download the videos to this location.

There are two kinds of files downloadable from the site: files with an extension "smhtp" i.e. song.smhtp or files with an extension "zip" i.e.

The "zip" files are a group of .smhtp songs compressed into one file. Follow the on screen instruction and you will be able to extract all the .smhtp songs into a folder with the same name of the .zip file. Double click on the .zip file then your PC will automatically create a folder and extract all the files for you.

Now you should have a number of .smhtp files, all hopefully in the "MultiPlayer Video" folder that the MultiPlayer created.

Using the Multiplayer

1. Select the multiplayer from the start menu

2. The first time you use the multiplayer you will need to enter your SMHTP registration details.

3. In the MultiPlayer File menu select "Play Multiplayer Video". This will automatically open the "MultiPlayer Video" folder in "My Music".

4. When MultiPlayer video files are downloaded they first need installing before they can be played by the MultiPlayer; this only needs to be done once for each file. Installing a file creates a copy of each but with the file extension "smhtpi" (i for installed).

5. So in order to see these un-installed files you must change the "Files of Type" filter at the bottom of the window to look at (.smhtp) from the default (.smhtpi). These "smhtp" files will now be viewable and to install, just select a file by double-clicking on it or selecting and pressing "Open".

6. Once a file has finished installing it will automatically play. If there are other MultiPlayer files to install it maybe sensible to do these at the same time.

7. In future, everytime "Play MultiPlayer Video" is selected in the File Menu, it will default to filtering "smhtpi" files and display a list of the videos you have already installed.