Sarabeth Tucek Audio Interview
Sarabeth was born in Miami, but it was while growing up in Manhattan that she fell in love with her mum’s favourite music such as Cat Stevens’ ‘Tea For The Tillerman’ and Simon & Garfunkel. She went on to discover the likes of Neil Young, Big Star, The Zombies, The Velvet Underground, Television, Joy Division, The Dream Syndicate, The Gun Club, My Bloody Valentine and Elliott Smith for herself. However, more than any other, she worships Bob Dylan. “My whole life is wrapped up in his songs,” she explains, revealing, at a push, that ‘The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan’ and ‘Blonde on Blonde’ are her favourites. “He is wholly original. There will never be anyone like him again.”
This made a support slot with Dylan in Massachusetts earlier this year all the more unbelievable. The story is a simple one, but at the same time it was a dream come true: Dylan’s people were sent a copy of Sarabeth’s album, liked it and asked her to open for him at Pine Theatres Northampton. The great man himself even took time out to speak to her afterwards. “It was a surreal experience,” exclaims Sarabeth, losing her understatedness for just a second. “I don't think I was ever so excited about anything in my life.”
Listen to the Sarabeths interview with SMHTP’s Liz on her visit to Brighton.

My Federation
Describing themselves as Psychedelic electro rock with balls and bells. It’s perfect pop packaged for the dance floor, or in Lee’s words, “a ‘60s vibe with a fat synth and lots of harmonies”, and best witnessed at one of their joyfully intense live shows. Their sound is a concoction painlessly birthed from their various disparate influences, which range from The Who, The Flaming Lips, Timbaland, Jean Michel Jarre, Mozart, and the day Lee bunked off a trip to Windsor Safari Park to hang outside the house of, and eventually meet, Jimmy Page