The Rakes have proved they’ve got what it takes to reach worldwide recognition. After touring the world with the likes of Bloc Party, Franz Ferdinand and The Buzzcocks; the multi-talented foursome decided to take a break out of their busy schedules to talk to Garry Mulholland about musical influences and much much more.

Soho Dolls
The bands electric influences have conspired to create a multi textured debut which shows their love of rock and roll, electro, glam,’77-British punk, jazz and hip hop. “All these extremes make our music ribbed. We don’t fit easily into pigeon-holes – not in music and not in life. We feel our generation has been cheated. Modern life has conspired to make us dumb, numb and un-questioning. We want people to tap into their primal senses again: lust, anger, love, fear, happiness and humour. Lyrically and musically the songs on this album express all of these feelings and instincts.” says Maya the bands lead singer.