With the Multiplayer finding lots of praise for its application in the classroom, Show Me How To Play have been working on the best way to make full use of the system to give younger students the opportunity to take advantage of the enriched musical learning experience.
This has led us to develop the SMHTP Junior Pack for Key Stage 1 and 2 students. Being built in-line with the National Curriculum’s “knowledge, skills and understanding” targets, the Junior Pack utilises the Multiplayer to aid teachers in taking up lifting and easy to set up lessons to help children develop their musical and rhythmic skills.
Making use of each song’s four separate parts, classes can be split up to try their hand at different tasks such as percussion and singing. Each of these parts are brightly coloured and animated to capture the children’s attention and keep them focused on their role, while the choreographed moves for the children to dance along to incorporate both BSL (British Sign Language) and Makaton sign languages. This has been shown to develop young children’s communication skills offering cross curriculum learning experiences.
The songs have been put together by experienced songwriter and performer Al Start, who has over 20 years experience working in schools.
Songs available in order of difficulty (easiest first) are:
- Tizzy Song
- Bright Idea
- The Dinosaur Dance
- Creepy Castle
- Si Si Si (Banaha)
- Gorrid the Horrid
- September 1666
- Little Green Men from outer Space
- Change the World a Little Everyday
- Senwa de Dende
Each song comes with printable lyrics, character based colouring sheets and suggested lesson plans, which combined with the Multiplayer’s extremely quick set up time aim to help the teacher as much as possible. This support allows teachers with little or no musical training take fun and stimulating lessons that will really benefit the children’s musical development.
If you would like to see video of songs from the pack being used to run a class then click HERE.
If you would like information about trial schemes to see how this system will work in your school, then please e-mail [email protected].

Formed in 2004, the multinational Guillemots, comprised of English singer and classically trained pianist Fyfe Dangerfield, Brazilian guitarist MC Lord Magrao, Scottish percussionist Greig Stewart (aka Rican Caol), and Canadian double bassist Aristazabal Hawkes, use their eclectic influences and personal styles to create a catchy pop sound and energetic live show that has won them many fans in their British home base.